Homes for sale in Ventura, Palo Alto, CA

Search all available Ventura, Palo Alto, CA houses, condos, townhomes and single-family homes by price, age or location. We have compiled an extensive database of local Ventura, Palo Alto, CA real estate listings that deliver our clients detailed property information including: home values, similar homes for sale, as well as local school and neighborhood data. Or search MLS listings for Ventura, Palo Alto, CA Open Houses or Ventura, Palo Alto, CA Luxury Homes For Sale today.

Ventura, Palo Alto, CA Real Estate

Ventura, Palo Alto, CA LISTINGS SEARCH

The Ventura, Palo Alto, CA search filters above are compiled from the Ventura, Palo Alto, CA MLS listings search function in the MLSListings real estate system. While these searches and information are typically deemed reliable with respect to the current homes for sale in these Ventura, Palo Alto, CA neighborhoods / communities, the search function relies upon data that is manually input from the listing agents and brokers utilizing the Ventura, Palo Alto, CA local or regional MLS board(s). Periodically, even top listing agents input erroneous information or may have failed to input any data in the appropriate field.

For the most detailed MLS listings search results, COMPASS recommends contacting a local Realtor that is knowledgeable with respect to Ventura, Palo Alto, CA real estate and homes for sale. These top real estate professionals have advanced tools and can provide customized listing information and search data, as well as local market information and sales reports relevant to Ventura, Palo Alto, CA neighborhoods and communities that are important to you. To contact a top Ventura, Palo Alto, CA Realtor specializing in Ventura, Palo Alto, CA, contact us today.

A COMPASS Realtor specializing in Ventura, Palo Alto, CA homes for sale welcomes the opportunity to help you find suitable homes for sale in specific Ventura, Palo Alto, CA neighborhoods, zip codes, developments, master planned communities, builder tracts, associations, gated real estate communities or any other specific local or geographically targeted area.


What types of homes are available in Ventura, Palo Alto, CA?

Ventura, Palo Alto, CA offers a wide range of homes, including established neighborhood homes, contemporary designs, luxurious estates, and high-end condominiums. These properties may include premium amenities, incredible architectural features and spacious open floor plans.

What amenities can I expect in a home in Ventura, Palo Alto, CA?

Homes for sale in Ventura often come with a vast range of amenities such as high-end appliances, private swimming pools, gourmet kitchens or wine cellars, guest quarters or ADU, home theaters and beautifully landscaped grounds. Additionally, some properties may incorporate smart home technology, luxurious primary bedroom suites, and/or beautiful views or vistas.

How can I find reputable real estate agents specializing in homes in Ventura?
To find reputable real estate agents with specialized knowledge about homes for sale in Ventura, Palo Alto, CA, you should contact us and seek recommendations from local people you trust. Find an agent that knows the area neighborhoods and that is a stylistic match for you. Working with a top Ventura, Palo Alto, CA Realtor conversant in the local real estate market is critical to finding the best property for your specific needs.

About Ventura, Palo Alto, CA

Ventura, Palo Alto, CA, located in Santa Clara County, California, embodies an effervescent community known for its picturesque surroundings and vibrant local culture. It combines residential tranquility with convenient access to urban amenities, making it a desirable destination for homebuyers. Properties for sale in Ventura, Palo Alto, CA showcase a diverse array of architectural styles and sizes, offering everything from charming cottages to modern townhomes and spacious single-family homes. Architectural designs often include California Bungalow, Mid-Century Modern, Mediterranean, and Contemporary influences, catering to a variety of tastes. The Ventura, Palo Alto, CA real estate market features homes that may include scenic views, convenient proximity for day trips to beaches, great golf courses or local lakes. Property prices reflect the area’s appeal, often above the Santa Clara County average due to its prime location and desirable amenities. In addition to its natural beauty, Ventura, Palo Alto, CA offers a range of community amenities. Residents enjoy access to local parks, boutique shopping, and recreational activities such as mountain biking and hiking along scenic trails. The community also boasts a vibrant cultural scene with annual events and festivals. For those seeking community-focused amenities, Ventura, Palo Alto, CA provides options like community centers, tennis courts, parks with playgrounds, and public spaces for gatherings. Whether you’re attracted to its inherent beauty, relaxed lifestyle, or lively community spirit, Ventura, Palo Alto, CA offers a distinctive blend of lifestyle, charm and access to Silicon Valley technology hub which thrives.

Ventura, Palo Alto, CA HOME SEARCH

When exploring listings in Ventura, Palo Alto, CA you'll discover detailed property information tailored to guide your home buying decisions effectively. Each listing provides a comprehensive overview that includes:

Interior Features:
  • Number of bedrooms and bathrooms
  • Details on heating and cooling systems
  • Square footage of the home
  • Additional interior amenities like fireplaces, flooring types, and kitchen features
Exterior Features:
  • Lot size and landscaping details
  • Presence of a swimming pool or spa
  • Architectural style of the home, reflecting Ventura, Palo Alto, CA’s charm
  • Outdoor living spaces such as patios, decks, or gardens
Additional Property Details:
  • Number of days the property has been on the market (DOM)
  • Homeowners Association (HOA) fees, if applicable
  • Year of construction
  • MLS listing number for easy reference
Each listing is accompanied by high-quality photographs to visually showcase the property’s layout and features. Local neighborhood information is also provided, highlighting amenities such as nearby parks, beaches, dining options, and cultural attractions unique to Ventura, Palo Alto, CA.

Ventura, Palo Alto, CA REALTORS®

Are you searching for a home in Ventura, Palo Alto, CA? Our experienced team of real estate agents provides comprehensive, personalized support to meet your unique needs. Buyers benefit from expert guidance on current market trends, detailed property comparisons, and invaluable insights into local neighborhoods. Sellers receive tailored marketing strategies crafted to effectively showcase their home and attract qualified buyers.
With a steadfast commitment to professionalism and deep local expertise, our Ventura, Palo Alto, CA REALTORS® are dedicated to delivering exceptional service throughout the entire buying or selling journey in Ventura, Palo Alto, CA’s dynamic real estate market. Whether you’re looking to purchase your dream home or sell your property, trust our team to navigate you through with integrity and proficiency every step of the way.